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The Bride Wore White (The Captive Bride Series, Book I)

  “The Bride Wore White”

  Book I of ‘The Captive Bride’ Series

  by Dominique Darcelle DuBois

  Book I of “The Captive Bride” Series©

  Copyright 9/2012 by Dominique D. DuBois

  Cover Copyright 9/2012 by Dominique D. DuBois

  Cover Photo Rights Licensed Thru:

  Important Information Regarding What Lies Within This Book:

  An Instructive Foreword on the BDSM Lifestyle…

  BDSM writing at its core can, and very often does, involve both the use of “force, aggression, and coercion”, and “sexual submission or surrender” in its portrayals of foreplay and intercourse between two (or more) consenting adults. For those who are unfamiliar with or unaccepting of the BDSM lifestyle however, this has the potential to possibly be viewed as describing situations akin to “rape”, or even as depicting scenarios that may seem to include a certain level of mild sexual violence.

  It is highly important to note, therefore, that the differences between true rape (i.e. forced or coerced sex, or sexual assault), and BDSM-themed role-playing and submissive/domination-type activities, are honestly quite extreme. Most importantly, those involved in these types of sexual fantasies and games are absolutely consenting, which can actually be deduced fairly easily by the reader, even if that reader is a novice in this particular subject area. Also, even if the authors of these types of works do not always spell out their novel’s true intentions each and every time; the general meaning and purpose of each story’s plot should be easily recognizable, nonetheless. In other words, it would be quite unusual for any one reader to mistake a true BDSM-themed romance/love scene, for that of a tale involving rape, sexual assault, and inexcusable, interpersonal violence instead.

  Much of the role-playing that is involved in BDSM activities is for the submissive party to put forth an effort to “escape” or to “fight back”, with the dominant party then subduing his or her partner, and ultimately using control and discipline to bring that lover to a heightened level of sexual gratification. There are also forms of BDSM writing in which the resistant subjects (i.e. the novel’s main characters) may initially believe that they are against the idea of having sex. Yet at some point, usually through pleasurable sexual contact, their minds are ultimately changed. At that point, they are drawn into a mutually enjoyable sexual act, whether they’re willing to verbally admit to their ultimate capitulation or not. Regardless, as a reader who is thrillingly privy to the naughty thoughts, wild emotions, and pleasurable physical reactions of the submissive party, we know the real truth all along. And that’s what makes these kinds of stories so much fun to read.

  Still, in the few instances where the reader does not know the true workings of the submissive’s inner thoughts, the mutual enjoyment that is alluded to in each intimate scenario should make it clearly evident that all of the sex (at its most fundamental of forms), is ultimately consensual, and conclusively enjoyable for all parties involved. As such, the amounts of “fight” and “force” exhibited are purposefully orchestrated so as to bring about the highest amount of physical fulfillment to the individuals involved, and so as to create erotically enjoyable stories for readers who choose to look further into the BDSM lifestyle. These stories do NOT involve true “rape”, but as the premise of the “appearance of forced sex” is present, regardless of the fact that the parties are genuinely, ultimately consenting and mutually satisfied, THESE STORIES DO STILL HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO BE HIGHLY OFFENSIVE TO SOME READERS.

  But all readers should be aware that there is more to the BDSM lifestyle and the associated risqué literature than actually meets the eye. Additionally, there is a whole exciting and erogenous world of passionately seductive and wildly erotic sexual sagas out there; stories about hot-blooded men, beautiful and sensuously luscious women, and the resulting heady and tempestuous conquests that are just waiting to be explored. These fervent novels are chock-full of steamy, dangerously daring love scenes, and they are simply lingering patiently on their digital bookshelves, eagerly awaiting those readers out there that have the courage to delve bravely into them.

  So, if you have decided to give into temptation and continue reading, I sincerely hope that you’ll enjoy all of the potently sensual work I’ve put into crafting these two fiery, untamed characters, their stormy and torrid relationship, and the wild and utterly abandoned affair that will soon unite their bodies over and over again, in a white-hot blaze of passion so scorching, it will eventually threaten to consume the both of them.

  Find out if they can somehow overcome the pain of their old betrayals and face the dangerous intensity of their scandalous and irresistible sexual desires as they begin along the path of their all-consuming erotic journey in the savage and riveting serial romance, “The Captive Bride”.

  Happy Reading! ~D.D. DuBois

  Please take an additional moment to read the following “Cautionary Forewarning” before you begin this story:

  The ‘adult’ works of fiction by Dominique D. DuBois involve highly sexualized, extremely explicit, erotic, mature content. Each story is intended only for readers 18 years of age and older, and they contain full accounts and in-depth exposés of extremely graphic sex. These current stories/series, and any other story/series presented by D.D. DuBois in the future, can include descriptions of sexual contact/intercourse that may involve: a violation of the marriage contract (i.e. cheating), oral sex (and forced oral sex), group sex, same-gender sex, sexual threats, bondage, some mild sexual “torture” and what some may consider to be mild “violence”, physical control, kidnapping, anal play, anal sex (and forced anal sex), sexual force used during intercourse, nipple/clitoral “torture” and “clamps” used during intercourse, degrading/derogatory names/language and behavior used towards women/men, domination/submission, mild “choking”, various forms of sexual restraints (hands/collars/clothing/ropes/chains), biting, and some sexually aggressive behavior or thoughts that might be considered “sadistic” by some.

  Most of the scenarios occurring in these works have been clearly listed above, but they do not represent a full list of any/all sexual situations that may appear in these works. Please do not buy books from these series if any of the aforementioned scenarios do not appeal to you, or if you find any of these situations to be disconcerting or distasteful. Many of Ms. DuBois’ works do involve a high degree of character and plot development, but there are also some of her erotic series that are concerned primarily and predominantly with purely sexual/adult situations and themes. As such, Ms. DuBois does not wish to offend anyone in any way at any time.

  If you do choose to read any of these stories through to the end, please do not leave negative feedback on the basis of the fact that these ‘books’ include ANY of the sexual scenarios listed above; you have been duly and fairly warned, and it is unmerited to leave negative feedback blaming the author for content which has been clearly described beforehand. Additionally, if you continue to read any of these stories through to the end, please respect this author’s work enough to be honest, and refrain from returning them for a refund at that time. Your integrity in the ongoing endeavor to prevent the potential abuse of all authors’ works is greatly appreciated.

  ~Each story is unconditionally restricted to involving sex acts occurring only between adults (those 18 years of age or older), and they are expressly intended as entertainment for a mature and legal audience. These stories are not approved to be purchased or read by minors (those under 18 years of age). If you are not at least 18, please stop reading HERE and return this book to Amazon immediately
for a full refund. By continuing to read this story, you are officially acknowledging that you are at least 18 years of age or older, and the author, publisher, and Amazon, all therefore bear no responsibility if this official requirement is knowingly and willfully violated.~

  *This EBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This EBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient, or loan your own copy through the Kindle Book Lending program. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or if it was not purchased for your own use, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  *The books (and series) by Dominique D. DuBois are all original works of fiction. The people and places within them are wholly fictional, and as such, they are not meant to depict or represent any real person or place in any way.

  *Dominique Darcelle DuBois holds the full copyright for this entire work (which includes the cover compilation, the “Instructive Foreword”, the “Cautionary Forewarning”, and any notes, prologues or epilogues written by the author). No portion of any of this work may be reproduced in any manner, without the express written permission of the author, herself. This includes excerpting portions of the cautionary warnings/forewords and cutting and pasting them into any other works. You may not reprint this book, in whole or in part, and this book is non-transferrable to a second party. **Any copyright violations will be legally pursued. Thank you greatly for your respect in this sensitive matter.**

  Short, attributed quotations may be used without prior authorization; solely for the purpose of a critical review.

  Current Titles by Dominique D. DuBois:

  A Submissive’s Tale

  Book I: Initiation

  Book II: Commencement (coming soon)

  Book III: Rites Of Passage (coming soon)

  “The Cottage of Carnal Delights” Series

  Books, I-XII

  The “Unbidden Compilations”, I - III

  “Return To The Cottage” Series (Also Featuring Jack and Jordan!) Coming Soon

  “Domination: The Streets Of Desire” Series

  Book I: Covet Thy Neighbor - ‘Awakenings’

  Book II: Crave - The Discovery Of A ‘Dom’

  Book III: Revenge Is Sweet (coming soon)

  “The Hollywood Harlot” Series

  Book I: ‘Serving The Master’

  Book II: ‘Obeying The Master’ (coming soon)

  “The Merciless Mastermind” Series

  Book I: ‘I’d Bet My Ass’ (coming soon)

  “The Captive Bride” Series

  Book I: ‘The Bride Wore White’

  Book II: ‘Taken Captive’

  Book III: ‘Rapture Island’ (coming soon)

  The Brink: A Naughty Club For Exceptionally Discreet Adults

  Story I: Cheaters (coming soon)

  Story II: Dirty Little Liars (coming soon)

  Story III: Veiled Abandon (coming soon)

  Story IV: Stolen (coming soon)

  Steamy ‘Shorts’

  Taken And Used: A Submissive ‘Short’

  You Get What You Ask For: A Submissive ‘Short’


  The Bride Wore White

  This day promised to be the best and brightest of my entire life, especially after all the heartache with which I had dealt, and somehow overcome. Growing up in the tiny town of Winterhaven, Colorado, I had been planning my wedding ever since I’d been a little girl. Heck, with a population of only 3,241, and only one small school to house grades K-12, there really wasn’t much else to do during those years but dream. Especially considering that six months out of the year, there was typically a dense, heavy coating of snow over every single thing outside.

  The way the town was kind of dug into the side of the nearest mountain, resources and available past-times were both severely limited. Most people either became champion skiers, or they got really, really good at baking goodies and making snowmen. The girls there typically married young, had babies, and stayed put all their lives, while the boys either found work in local construction, took up logging, or left for greener pastures elsewhere. There was very little industry, and almost no chance at all for lucrative and gratifying employment. Those who did manage to eke out an existence here beyond high school, typically involved themselves somehow in the booming tourist industry in Grand Junction; the only big city within a reasonable commuting distance.

  So when I’d turned 17 and graduated from high school, I had immediately applied to the University of Colorado in Denver, trying to get as far away from that place as I possibly could, while still attending a decent school and maintaining my qualification for in-state tuition at the same time. Moving to that enormous city had been like waking up on Christmas day and seeing a mound of presents all piled up high beneath the colorful and twinkling lights of a purple pine tree. It had been unnerving and discombobulating, and unbelievably bizarre. Everything there was so disconcertingly busy, so frenetically bustling, and so garishly bright; my small-town sensibilities had been instantly shocked stupid. I remember spending my first few nights there curled up on my dorm room bed, shaking like a leaf, and crying into my pillow. Still, not once had I ever thought about returning home.

  When I’d finally calmed down enough to actually go out and explore my surroundings, I’d walked around in wide-eyed wonder for at least five or six months; an innocently naïve novice, so pathetically inexperienced it was kind of like releasing Bambi in the middle of Times Square.

  For an entire semester, I’d barely talked to anyone, and other than my roommate, I hadn’t really even made any new friends. I’d simply been so overwhelmed, not only with the college atmosphere and the swift (and at times bewildering) responsibilities of being a callow freshman at an enormous university, but also with trying to somehow soak in all those new things that were available to me for the very first time. Not to mention the abrupt autonomy with which I was suddenly endowed; the dizzying freedom to go and learn, and see and do. And although it did take me a while to get my courage garnered about me, sooner or later I did get to the point where I was ready to go and explore.

  I soon learned that the city itself was huge; much bigger and more active and heavily populated than anything else I’d ever seen before. I had thought at first that the campus was enormous, but it was a mere blip on the map in relation to Denver itself, not to mention the un-ending sprawl of the various and sundry suburbs all around us. As a result, there was an unlimited assortment of places to go and things to do; bohemian street festivals, city markets, large parks with bike paths and running trails, trendy second-hand clothing boutiques, and numerous movie theatres and malls. There was also an endless array of countless fun and exciting popular cultural venues as well. Things like art museums, comedy clubs, downtown bars with local bands, micro-breweries that served a hundred different brands of their own freshly-brewed beer, and even theaters where you could catch a concert or a live play at a moment’s notice. And of course, they had NFL Football.

  With all of that, on top of the people I was suddenly coming into contact with on a daily basis there on campus, there had been a huge slew of potential new boyfriends, too. In fact, they came to my all-girls’ dorm almost every night; marching steadily up the front steps in droves to hang out in our downstairs lounge. They stayed there for hours, drinking soda (or beer) and watching TV, and even playing chess, and poker, and gin, as they steadily chatted up any and every female who was willing to give them the time of day.

  I had been s
o inexperienced up to that point, and it hadn’t looked then like it was about to change anytime soon, either. Instead of spending time downstairs with all of them, trying to get to know them and even find a few guys to date, I always just headed straight upstairs to my own room and stuck my nose in a book instead. Considering the fact that there had only been 26 boys in my graduating class, and that I had known each one of them practically since birth, I really hadn’t done any serious dating before leaving home for school. As such, my first real foray into romance, when it finally did arrive, came at a particularly steep price, and it came in the form of Victor Copeland Draven, the third.

  I’d only been at college for about two and a half months when he’d first approached me, although I do believe that he’d had his eye on me since day one. I’d certainly had my eye on him. We’d shared a World Religions class together, although he was a senior and I was a measly plebian, but still, six years later, I could remember the intensity I’d sensed in his eyes the very first time I’d seen him, as if it’d only happened just yesterday. The incredible power of the influence he’d had over me from the very beginning had been plainly inexplicable. In fact, just the force of his gaze alone had been so damned strong that it had threatened to scald my skin from across the room.

  Never having been in love before, hell, never having even been involved before, his interest in me had been quite a heady thing. He was so tall, and so muscular, and so handsome, the other girls in class had flocked to him like bees to honey. From bookworms, to four-eyed nerds, to stunning sorority sisters, I’d watched them all simper and fawn and flirt with him from the moment class started, through the entire period long. Yet the whole time they watched him, he, instead, watched me.